Legal information

Legal information
The website is administered by NYCO.

SAS with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board with a share capital of € 6,092,554
RCS PARIS: 582 103 610 00058
Headquarters: 66 avenue des Champs-Elysées BP 414, 75366 Paris Cedex 08 France
+33 1 45 61 50 00
[email protected]

Publication Director
Mr. Raphaël NADJAR, General Manager

Hosting Provider
2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France

Content and copyright

The contents of the site (texts, images, articles …) are the exclusive property of NYCO and can not be reproduced totally or partially or exploited without its authorization. Any authorized reproduction must respect the integrity of the reproduced documents (no modification or alteration of any kind) and mention the source
NYCO authorizes any public or private website to link to the pages of without prior authorization.

Personal Data

The personal data that are requested on NYCO website are exclusively meant for our services and will, under no circumstances, be forwarded to a third party. We guarantee users that any processed personal data, on our website is subject to the General Regulation on Data Protection 2016/679 dated April 27th 2016 (RGPD) that came into effect on May 25th 2018. According to articles 16 and 17, users have the right to access, modify or delete their data. Users can exercise their rights:

  • By mail: NYCO, 66  avenue des Champs-Elysées BP 414, 75366 Paris Cedex 08 France.
  • By phone: +33 (0) 1 45 61 50 00

In application of that regulation, NYCO gathers users’ personal data exclusively in the purpose of sending e-mailings of its products and commercial information. NYCO is committed to ensure the protection of these personal data and to prevent them from being altered, damaged or reported to non-authorized third parties. To that end, these personal data are recorded in inaccessible areas to the public.

If users wish to keep receiving our e-mails, neither action is required from them.

If users wish to stop receiving our e-mails, they can unsubscribe from our mailing list by sending an e-mail to [email protected]