NYCOLUBE 5500 series
High flash point high temperature oven chain lubricants
NYCOLUBE 5500 series is a range of 100% synthetic high temperature chain lubricants formulated with high performance neopolyol esters and a carefully designed additive system. Chain oils from NYCOLUBE 5500 series optimize performance at elevated temperatures while maintaining a high safety level thanks to high flash points, above 300°C for ISO VG 150, 220 and 320 grades.
Evaporation resistance and low coking propensity of NYCOLUBE 5500 series are superior to other available technologies such as trimellitate ester based lubricants, and allow the lubrication of oven chains operating at temperatures of 250°C up to peak temperatures of 280°C.
Products from NYCOLUBE 5500 series are available in four viscosity grades, from 68 up to 320 mm2/s at 40°C.